I have my Gold Star (Etoile d'Or) and I am under 16

Slalom training and introduction to off piste

A really thorough course that offers training in both slalom and giant slalom as well as an introduction to off piste (including the safety equipment)and general honing of technique on all types of snow.
This course only runs during peak season.

CLASS SIZE: maximum 8 children per group
INCLUDES : medal, entry in the Grand Prix des Vacanciers and loan of safey equipment (transceiver, shovel and probe)
SKI PASS: required from the 1st day
Please note that a helmet is compulsory
Morning lessons - PERFORMANCE course
Sunday or Monday to Friday 9am to 11.45am
€ 275 
Meeting point: opposite the ESF office at the relevant group sign
Optional extras:
Ski pass
Morning lessons - PERFORMANCE course
Sunday or Monday to Friday 9am to 11.45am
€ 230 
Meeting point: opposite the ESF office at the relevant group sign
Optional extras:
Ski pass

Minimum of 2 students required for the group lessons to run. If only 1 person books, the lessons come to an end after Monday's lesson, with no refund possible.

We do not offer a refund in case of cancellation, sickness or injury. For peace of mind, make sure you have suitable insurance.